Thursday, December 3, 2009

Was I wrong to tell my college-bound Black grandson to thank all the ignorant racists for his schola

I told him that even though we are hardy stock and well above average IQ in our mostly Irish, English and Native American family the fact that my daughter chose a Black man as her mate contributed greatly to my grandson's physical prowness. I told him that slaves were kidnapped and sold for their strength and coordination and that because of the beginning taboos and laws against inter-racial relationships, his athletic ability was not watered down by a bunch of inbred cousins of massa's. Before you make the assumption that he is all brawn, no brains, he was not only courted and flown all over the country as a Division 1 Basketball recruit, but he made the National Honor Roll Society and had many academic offers as well. So did his father. Full ride, thanks to keeping the best of both races genes. This was in response to a question he asked me some time ago about why most sport stand-outs are Black. That is when I told him the racists were responsible. You will see him on TV soon.

Was I wrong to tell my college-bound Black grandson to thank all the ignorant racists for his scholarship?nba street v3

to start black is a color not a person. the word you're looking for his African American.2nd Africans where kidnapped from Africa and sold to Americans and in America the Africans were enslaved like cattle for free labor. The strength and coordination you speak of was b/c the masters wanted more done for nothing, so they started breeding the larger slaves together.Don't get me started on the Native American, I'm 1/2 African American and 1/2 Native American (Sioux,Cherokee tribe), so i have a lot to say lol. i understand what you were trying to tell your Grandson,but i think you should have used different words. yes you are also right about them not accepting the mixing of the races back then and b/c of the your grandson has been blessed,also don't forget the Native American side. I wish your Grandson many blessing and tell him to keep his faith strong ,b/c incollegehe will meet people of any race trying to knock him b/c he is one of the best.

Was I wrong to tell my college-bound Black grandson to thank all the ignorant racists for his scholarship?nba jam ,nba teams

I am sorry, but I don't understand what point you are trying to teach him? I understand racism still exist...which is terrible, but my goodness! What was your exact point? are you 100% white or black or anything? I think you typed this just to get everyone worked up into a frenzy...that is how racists work. I hope you didnt tell your grandson any of the wisdom you put into your question. how about he is a beautiful, intelligent and gifted person...white, black or purple has NOTHING to do with it! Whatever dreams he has for his future will come from his own hard work...and good for him. He sounds wonderful! I am sure you are very proud.

You turned aside an opportunity to lift him up with praise by mixing it with a race war.

It is bad enough that the poor thing will not be accepted fully by either side of the "race division".

He does not look fully one "race division" or the other.

You should have just encouraged him in HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT rather than give the credit to someone or something else.

I am sorry to disagree with you, but you did bring the question, and I have honestly answered it.

JESUS bless you,

So what you're saying is that generally blacks are stupid, but your grandson luckily inherited intelligence from the White side of the family. I guess that makes you a racist.
Yes you were wrong to do that, you are teaching him to be a racist.
Why are you so fast to dismiss the likelihood that his scholarship is not the result of racism, but a response to merit. Perhaps you should have considered congratulating him on his accomplishment as a grandson that has made you proud, (hopefully his achievements have made you proud), rather than diminishing his efforts by focusing your time and attention on racial issues rather than on what actually mattered; his success. If other people make the mistake of believing that any worthwhile educational facility would give a full scholarship based on race and not merit then let them live with their own ignorance. It sounds as though you owe your grandson an apology for short changing him, and teaching him to expect that others will do the same.
So, are you telling him that half of his family are ignorant racists?

Guess I don't understand.
yea... my brother's pretty d*mn tough as well and he's 100% white. And my boyfriend's pretty d*mn smart as well and he's 100% black.... well, not that anyone's 100% anything but you know what i mean

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